The Centre offers a safe environment for persons who have fled active war-zones and/or non-Government controlled areas can receive a range of comprehensive services in one place.
"It is extremely important that the first Survivor Relief Centre is opened in Zaporizhzhia which has become, since the beginning of full-scale invasion of Russia, a hub for those fleeing the horror of war. The city hosts daily hundreds of citizens that have left the zone of active hostilities or the occupied territories. Therefore, the main priority was to create conditions for providing comprehensive assistance to the rescued," said Olga Stefanishina, the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, during the opening ceremony. "The Centre will offer free psychological, legal, and medical support. The main goal is to prevent re-traumatisation of survivors and provide an environment of trust. The services received at this Centre constitute the first step in the rehabilitation and recovery process for the survivors. This is my personal priority, and I am grateful to everyone who helps to implement this initiative."
Social workers, psychologists, and lawyers will provide confidential psychological and legal assistance for free. People will also be able to get information on medical services, humanitarian aid, help with settlement, and social benefits.
"The opening of such Centre is a successful example of cooperation between the Government, local authorities, and international and non-governmental organisations. This centre will address the needs of the people, understand their problems while following accountability protocols and adhering to the international standards for assisting survivors of war and violence," commented Kateryna Levchenko, the Government Commissioner for Gender Policy of Ukraine.
For sensitive cases, such sexual violence during the war, special case managers on a long-term basis will help survivors to overcome the post-traumatic syndrome and return to normal life.
"During the war, the level of violence always increases. We are aware of cases of sexual and other forms of violence and seek to help victims receive appropriate specialized care. The Survivor Relief Centre will ensure that women, men and children seeking help, recieve quality services based on a survivor-centred approach to overcome trauma, restore sexual and reproductive health, and work with professionals for as long as necessary," said Pavlo Zamostian, UNFPA Assistant Representative in Ukraine.
Everyone who needs help or consultation can contact the Centre.
Address: Peremohy St, 70Б, Exhibition Centre "Kozak-Palace", Zaporizhzhia.
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