According to Ukrinform, the decrees to that effect have been published on the website of the head of state.
According to decree No. 460/2022, the president presented awards to 237 military personnel, 223 of them posthumously. According to decree No. 461/2022, awards were given to 187 defenders, 32 of them posthumously. According to decree No. 462/2022, the head of state presented awards to 224 military personnel, 36 of them posthumously.
According to the documents, Ukrainian service members were awarded the orders of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, "For Courage", Danylo Halytskyi, medals "For Military Service to Ukraine", "For Impeccable Service", "Defender of the Fatherland" and "For a Saved Life" for their personal courage and selfless actions shown in the defense of the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, as well as for loyalty to the military oath.
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