The Mariupol City Council wrote this on its Telegram channel.
"Peaceful civilians were detained by the occupiers and sent to places of deprivation of liberty. There is information about four such prisons: two in Olenivka, one in Donetsk pre-trial detention center and one in Makiivka. People are in terrible and inhuman conditions, like in a concentration camp," the report says.
According to the Mariupol City Council, the detained people have almost no access to drinking water and food, normal medical care and are subjected to various forms of torture, from psychological to physical ones.
As reported, Mariupol experiences one of the biggest humanitarian disasters caused by Russia's aggression. The city was almost completely destroyed as a result of enemy shelling. Mariupol has no normal power, water, and gas supplies.
Russia's full-scale armed aggression has been ongoing in Ukraine since February 24, 2022.
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