
It’s too late for putin to “save his face” — Ukrainian Defense Minister

Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov believes that it is too late to "save his face" for russia's president, vladimir putin, although hinted at by some partners.

The press service of the Ministry of Defense comments on the issue.

"After the atrocities and crimes in Bucha, Borodyanka, Irpin, Mariupol… We protect our lands, fight for freedom, and defend the entire European continent. Let's just defeat the enemy together," Reznikov said.

Reznikov also commented on the losses of enemy troops, the likely further actions of the kremlin in Ukraine, and threats from the Belarusian territory.

"The enemy has lost more than 30,000 of its soldiers in Ukraine. More than 90,000 russians are wounded. Many are missing. The russian leadership lists many of them as "lost" in order not to pay monetary compensation to their families," he says.

According to him, the russian federation seeks to reach the administrative borders of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

It also sets the task of maintaining and securing the land corridor with occupied Crimea, blocking Ukraine's maritime communications in the Black Sea.

The occupiers are using Belarus to launch missile strikes on Ukraine.

Read daily Timeline of War by Rubryka: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.


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