EU starts delivery of more than 90 off-road trucks to support Ukraine’s Armed Forces

The EU has started to deliver more than 90 off-road trucks to the Armed Forces of Ukraine under the European Peace Facility. The trucks will support medical, engineering and logistic units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.  

The Assistance Measure will enhance the overall resilience of Ukraine and help strengthen the capacities of its Armed Forces. It includes the delivery of medical equipment (including field hospital), engineering equipment (including demining tools), items for logistics units (including trucks and other assets) and equipment to enhance cyber defence capabilities.

The implementation of the Assistance Measure started earlier this year with the provision of assistance to Ukrainian medical and engineer units.


The European Peace Facility (EPF) was created in March 2021 to expand the EU's ability to provide security for its citizens and its partners. It enables the EU to provide all types of equipment and infrastructure to the armed forces of EU partners, in compliance with international human rights law and international humanitarian law

The EPF is an off-budget instrument aimed at enhancing the Union's ability to prevent conflicts, build peace and strengthen international security, by enabling the financing of operational actions under the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) in the areas of military and defence.

The EPF replaces and enlarges the Athena Mechanism and the African Peace Facility. It has a financial ceiling of €5 billion (2018 prices) for the 2021-2027. Contributions from Member States are determined based on a gross national income (GNI) distribution key.

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