NATO’s new concept reaffirms open door policy for Ukraine

The new NATO concept reaffirms the 2008 Bucharest Summit decision and all subsequent decisions on Georgia and Ukraine.

It is stated in the NATO Strategic Concept approved at the Madrid Summit.

"We will continue to develop our partnership with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, and Ukraine to advance our common interests in Euro-Atlantic peace, stability, and security. We reaffirm the decision taken at the 2008 Bucharest Summit and all subsequent decisions on Georgia and Ukraine," the statement said.

NATO's open door policy under Article 10 of the North Atlantic Treaty has also been reaffirmed. "Our doors remain open to all European democracies that share the values ​​of our Alliance, who are willing and able to take on the responsibilities and obligations of membership, and whose membership contributes to our common security. Membership decisions are made by NATO allies, and no third party has the right to vote in this process, " the document reads.

The concept also states that a strong and independent Ukraine is "critical to the stability of the Euro-Atlantic area."

During the 2008 Bucharest Summit, NATO Heads of State and Government made a political decision that Ukraine and Georgia would be members of NATO. The implementation of the MAP should be a step in this direction.

The issue of Ukraine's membership in NATO has been the subject of active public debate against the background of the russian federation's aggressive policy and rhetoric towards Ukraine and the significant concentration of russian troops on the borders with Ukraine and in the temporarily occupied territories.

In particular, one of the main points of the ultimatum issued by russia before the invasion of Ukraine on February 24 was NATO's public rejection of the Bucharest summit on future membership of Ukraine and Georgia, as well as written guarantees of non-expansion to the East and to the former Soviet Union countries.

Read Rubryka's Timeline of War: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.


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