Biden reacts to missile strike on Kremenchuk: The US will continue to hold russia accountable

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, called the missile attack on Kremenchuk cruel

Rubryka reports, citing Biden's Twitter.

The US president also said that the United States would continue to hold russia accountable.

"Russia's attack on civilians at a shopping mall is cruel. We stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people," Biden said. "As demonstrated at the G7 Summit, the US along with our allies and partners will continue to hold Russia accountable for such atrocities and support Ukraine's defense," the White House chief added.

In addition, Biden noted that the G7 would continue sanctions against russia, including "Putin's military-industrial complex."

He also assured that the G7 would not allow the foreign reserves of [russia's] central bank to support the "ailing economy" and would "deprive Putin of the resources he needs to wage his illegitimate war."

Biden added the US could've "turned a blind eye to Putin's barbaric war against Ukraine," and gas prices would not soar.

However, America "rose to the moment" and "proudly" stood with Ukraine.

"Together, the G7 will deliver unwavering, unified commitment to support Ukraine and build on our unprecedented sanctions to hold President Putin accountable—sanctions that will only compound over time to further isolate Russia from the world economy," Biden stressed.

The US leader published infographics on Twitter showing the areas where the US and G7 support Ukraine. These include taking measures to target russia's military production and supply chains; using tariffs on russian goods to support Ukraine; restricting russia's participation in the global market, cracking down on evasion attempts; imposing costs on those responsible for human rights abuses, including war crimes, profiteering, and illegitimate authorities; providing budgetary and other support for Ukraine.

As reported by Rubryka, French President Emmanuel Macron called the strike on Kremenchuk an absolute horror.

Earlier the media reported explosions were heard in Kremenchuk in the Poltava region.

The head of the Poltava Regional Military Administration, Dmytro Lunin, stated that the missiles hit a civilian facility in Kremenchuk and that there were casualties.

According to Zelensky, the occupiers fired rockets at the shopping center, where there were more than a thousand civilians.

Today, in the morning, governor Dmytro Lunin said that due to the russian attack on the Amstor shopping and entertainment center in Kremenchuk, the number of victims increased to 18 people.

Read Timeline of War: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.

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