They published the video on Twitter.
"Ukrainians have been standing up for the principles and values that bind us as democracies—the rule of law, sovereignty, and territorial integrity—the principles that matter to everyone in the world," Trudeau said.
Trudeau and Johnson separately noted the leadership role of Volodymyr Zelensky.
Johnson noted that the summit of leaders was discussing new sanctions to punish russia for aggression, particularly against oligarchs close to putin and russia's gold exports.
Trudeau added it was also about financial, economic, and military support for Ukraine so that it could continue to fight, defending itself and the values of a democratic world.
"Our message to you, Volodymyr, and to the people of Ukraine is: We salute your fight. We believe it's wholly, wholly legitimate and essential for our world. We support you and will stay this course. Glory to Ukraine," Johnson concludes.
Earlier, the Guardian reported that Boris Johnson had urged other world leaders to hold firm in their long-term support for Ukraine at the G7 summit, amid increasing concern in Downing Street that some countries could become swayed by calls for Kyiv to cede territory to russia in exchange for peace.
Outlining his key message for the G7 leaders, one he will reiterate later this week at a NATO summit in Madrid, Johnson said the financial cost of providing longstanding support to Ukraine was "a price worth paying for democracy and freedom."
"I would just say to people in the United States that this is something that America historically does and has to do," he said. The global consequences of letting russia prevail, Johnson added, would be "absolutely catastrophic."
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