Residents of flooded Demydiv staged a protest on the highway near Kyiv

Residents of Demydiv in the Kyiv region, which was flooded after russian occupiers' attack, blocked the road to the capital on the morning of 27 June.

It was reported by Ukrainska Pravda.

The protest was attended by about 60 people who didn't allow public and civilian transport in the direction of Kyiv and Dymer. Several police crews protected the order, they prevented fights between protesters and drivers.

The blockade lasted about an hour, after which representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine unblocked the route. The picketers were asked to delete pictures from their phones.

According to local resident Natalya Bychovchenko, residents of Demidyv went to the rally to draw attention to the issue of the flooded village.

A part of it was damaged at the end of February during the blasting of the dam of the Kyiv Reservoir between Kozarovichi and Lutizh, which stopped the advance of russians to the capital.

"We understand that currently there is martial law and it's not really a good time for protests, but no one listens to us. We have appealed to the local authorities. Oleksiy Kuleba, the head of the Kyiv regional state administration, also paid us a visit. Everyone promises a lot, but that's the dead end. They can't solve the issue on their own, so we decided to draw attention to ourselves, "- she noted.

According to Demidyv residents, the village is now separated from the big water by an old dam made of peat and sand.

"It (dam -ed.) can't withstand the water volume that left the Kyiv reservoir for a long time. There are already washed away spots. There's a probability that the whole Demydiv will be flooded if the blown dam fault isn't cleared or at least that water that has already reached us isn't pumped out. It's winter, yet people's houses are still wet. 

Read Rubryka's Timeline of War: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.

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