He stated this on Sunday at the G7 summit in Germany, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.
"The whole world is feeling the impact of Russia's brutal war in Ukraine," the US president said.
He emphasized that this has stirred up energy markets on a global scale. Therefore, the world must make efforts to reduce this energy dependency.
"We need worldwide efforts to invest in transitional clean energy projects to make critical infrastructure resilient to climate change," the US leader said.
At the same time, he noted the importance of developing the necessary equipment, in particular batteries, that would meet high standards of labor and the natural environment.
The President of the United States also noted the importance of transportation infrastructure, including railroads and ports, for moving materials intended for recycling, as well as expanding access to clean energy technologies.
The G7 summit dedicated to the problems facing the global economy began in the Bavarian Alps. On the first day of the meeting, there was an intensive discussion of such topics as the energy crisis and inflation in the world.
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