It was announced by Andriy Sybiga, Deputy Head of the President's Office, on a joint telethon, Ukrinform reports.
"Shortly, a roadmap or an appropriate action plan will be approved for the necessary steps to be taken at the legislative and executive levels to achieve the strategic goal of EU membership. In general, this changes the paradigm. These days, I think the whole agenda in foreign and domestic policy will be determined by the European agenda," he said.
According to him, work on achieving the criteria of EU membership will take place because Ukrainian society and the state need it.
Sybiga said that it was estimated that Ukraine would have to pass more than 70 laws in a short time.
"With this decision (on candidate status – ed.) comes a new reality in Ukraine and Europe. We have lost uncertainty, and there can be no alternatives. We are moving to EU membership, legally as well," said the deputy head of the president's office.
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