According to European Pravda, British Sky News drew attention to his statements on Channel One.
russian state duma deputy, general Andrey Gurulyov, said that the British capital would be hit first if the "blockade of Kaliningrad" led to war.
"We will destroy the entire group of enemy space satellites during the first air operation. No one will worry whether they are Americans or British. We would consider them all as NATO," he said.
"Secondly, we will weaken their entire missile defense system, everywhere and by 100%," Gurulyov continued.
"Thirdly, we will definitely not start with Warsaw, Paris, or Berlin. The first to suffer will be London. It is crystal clear that the threat to the world comes from the Anglo-Saxons," he added.
According to the Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, Gurulyov is a war criminal who was directly involved in criminal activities in Ukraine in 2014-2015.
It should be recalled that on June 18, Lithuania began to apply transit restrictions on goods subject to EU sanctions between the main part of russia and the Kaliningrad region.
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