It was reported by "European Pravda."
In a final communiqué, EU leaders stressed that they "strongly condemn russia's attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure and call on russia to immediately and unconditionally withdraw all its troops and military equipment from all of Ukraine's occupied territory within its internationally recognized borders."
"Ukrainians, including children forcibly deported to russia, must be returned safely immediately. russia, Belarus, and all those responsible for war crimes and other serious crimes will be held accountable for their actions under international law," the statement said.
EU leaders also stressed that the sixth package of sanctions against russia is increasing pressure on it to end the war against Ukraine.
"Sanctions will continue to be worked on, in particular, to strengthen their implementation and avoid evasion. The European Council calls on all countries to comply with EU sanctions, including candidate countries. The work on the Council's decision adding a violation of EU restrictive measures to the list of EU crimes should be completed quickly, "the document reads," the document emphasizes.
As for Ukraine, the European Council emphasizes that it remains committed to providing further military support "to help Ukraine exercise its inalienable right to self-defense against russian aggression and to protect its territorial integrity and sovereignty."
"To this end, the European Council calls on the Council of the EU (EU government ministers – ed.) to work quickly to further increase military support for Ukraine," EU leaders said.
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