Photo: Illustrative
This was reported by the Central Intelligence Agency.
"According to the received data, russia will try to involve Belarus in the military conflict with Ukraine with the help of some provocations against infrastructure facilities and civilians. To do this, sabotage groups arrived in Mozyr under the guise of civilians. It is known that the plans of these groups include the organization of a series of terrorist attacks on the territory of Belarus … the russian GRU plans to conduct a series of artillery and missile strikes on the Mozyr refinery, civilian infrastructure, and housing estates. Additional explosions of residential buildings, hospitals, and schools might occur during the shelling," the statement reads.
Ukrainian intelligence reports that these groups include personnel from russia's main intelligence department and mercenaries from private military companies controlled by Prigozhin and russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.
The occupiers used a similar "scenario" during the outbreak of war in Chechnya.
Then the special services of the russian federation organized explosions in several houses of Ryazan, accusing the mythical "chechen militants."
According to kremlin curators, this will create a formal pretext for the self-proclaimed "president" of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, to start the war.
The occupiers believe that, in this case, Lukashenko will not have the opportunity to avoid participating in the war.
Ukrainian intelligence also reported that Belarusian army officers had this information and began evacuating their families from Mozyr.
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