The European Pravda reports, citing the results of a poll by the Rating sociological group.
According to sociologists, 69% of respondents believe that Ukraine can join the EU in five years.
At the same time, 40% believe it is possible in the next 1-2 years, and 29% say it's up to 5 years.
Another 14% believe that Ukraine will become a member of the EU in 5-10 years, and 3% say 10-20 years.
Only 7% do not believe that Ukraine will ever be able to join the European Union.
In the event of a referendum on Ukraine's accession to the European Union, 87% of respondents would vote "yes," only 4% would vote against, and 8% would not vote.
Support for EU accession is unanimous among representatives of all macro-regions and age groups.
The survey was conducted on June 18-19 among 1,200 adult Ukrainians using the CATI method (telephone interviews using a computer) throughout the country, except for the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas and the territories where there was no Ukrainian mobile communication at the time of the poll. The error of representativeness of the study is not more than 2.8%.
To recap, on June 17, the European Commission published conclusions on Ukraine's, Moldova's, and Georgia's applications for EU membership, recommending that the first two be granted candidate status.
"Ukraine has clearly demonstrated the country's aspiration and commitment to live up to European values and standards," European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said at a news conference, wearing a yellow jacket and blue blouse in an apparent reference to the Ukrainian flag. Despite the war, "we have applied the commission's rigorous standards in assessing these membership applications," she added.
At the same time, Ukraine has been prescribed six requirements that it must meet not to lose its new status and move to the next stage of the procedure. Among them is implementing laws to ensure the selection of qualified judges and limit oligarchs' influence. It also asked that Ukraine improve its track record on investigations, prosecutions, and corruption convictions.
The final decision will be made at the summit of EU leaders on June 23-24.
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