It was reported by the Office of the President of Latvia.
"An important topic of discussion for the 3SI Heads of State was the war in Ukraine. Officials agreed that ITM members support Ukraine in its struggle for its territorial integrity and freedom. Ukraine is a democratic European country because it fights for our common democratic values. Europe without Ukraine is inferior, so we believe that Ukraine should be given the EU candidate status," said Latvian President Egils Levits, the head of the host country.
He also praised the US statement that it would contribute to the 3SI Investment Fund, saying it was "proof that the United States is interested in the development of the 3SI region and that our transatlantic ties are strong."
Levits noted the great interest in the 3SI shown by Japan and the United Kingdom, which took part in the summit online.
Levits also presented the official 3SI flag to Romanian President Klaus Werner Iohannis, symbolizing Romania's readiness to host the eighth 3SI Summit and Fifth Business Forum in 2023.
As Rubryka reported earlier, the Ukrainian President joined the 3SI Riga summit and put forward some proposals for cooperation with the countries of the initiative.
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