Photo by Xavier Bettel
He announced this on Twitter, Rubryka reports.
Bettel says he came to show solidarity with the people of Ukraine.
"Arrived in Kyiv, Ukraine. Showing Luxembourg's solidarity with the people of Ukraine.
Because as long as Russia's war lasts, Luxembourg will stand with Ukraine," Bettel said in a statement.
As reported by RTL Luxembourg, as a result of EU sanctions against russia, Luxembourg has already frozen russia's assets for over four billion euros.
Minister of Finance Yuriko Backes said it was about 4.267 billion euros in assets, including money in bank accounts and property. The frozen assets belong to 1,100 companies and 90 individuals from Russia that have come under EU sanctions.
As reported by Rubryka, the Prime Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel said that his country was ready to support the next steps for Ukraine's progress towards EU membership, apparently talking about granting Ukraine a candidate status in case of a positive conclusion from the European Commission.
"Ukraine has submitted its application to become a for EU membership. Luxembourg will not oppose a positive opinion from the EU Commission—on the contrary. Should the Commission's opinion be conditional, we will be ready to assist you in fulfilling these conditions," said the Prime Minister.
As reported, on June 17, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, also paid a working visit to Kyiv.
During the visit, Johnson offered Volodymyr Zelensky a program to train the Ukrainian military on British territory. The British Prime Minister clarified that the United Kingdom military could provide training for up to 10,000 Ukrainian service members every 120 days.
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