Photo by OPU
President Volodymyr Zelensky stated this at the opening of the Global Policy Forum of the Institute for International Political Studies (Milan, Italy).
"Italy, you are not supporting the offensive of the Ukrainian army. You are supporting the defense capabilities of our state. Wherever we attack is our land. We just want to push the russian army out of our independent land. We do not cross borders and do not kill civilians, russian citizens, despite their position on this war. We are a reasonable nation that seeks independence. Therefore, I ask you to continue to support us," he said, answering questions from Forum participants.
Volodymyr Zelensky noted that Ukrainians simply want to live in their country within internationally recognized borders. They do not need foreign territories.
"And what is our own, we will defend. We are very motivated people. In addition to our independence, home and family, we have values. We defend common European values, and it is our second motivation. And the third one is that we want to show everyone that Ukraine is not afraid of even the second army in the world. We are demonstrating the example of an independent state and the independent nation struggle," said the President.
The head of state noted that the protection of common European values is a unifying factor for Ukrainians.
"The fact that we are moving towards the European Union and may receive EU candidate status this week will only strengthen our forces," he said.
Volodymyr Zelensky thanked the countries of the European Union, which are sanctioning and politically fighting against russia and are fighting to support the Ukrainian army with weapons.
According to the President, Ukraine is equal to other EU countries, and the European Union should do for our state the same it is doing now for its member states.
"And since today we are an outpost of these bright values protection, we probably need a little more to be done for us than for other countries. Because it is more difficult for us now," Volodymyr Zelensky added.
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