Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod stated this, Ekstra Bladet reports.
"If the European Commission decides that Ukraine is ready to acquire candidate status, it is also something we can support," Kofod said.
He made the statement Thursday after the leaders of France, Germany, and Italy in Kyiv voted to grant candidate status to Ukraine.
Before Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen travels to Brussels for an EU summit to support the decision, she must get a parliament mandate.
Kofod added that if a country becomes a candidate, it doesn't mean that the path to membership is short or easy.
"It is also important to say there is a long way to go. It applies to all candidates; they must meet the Copenhagen criteria," Kofod said.
The Copenhagen criteria concern, among other things, include democracy, the rule of law, and human rights.
This week, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called on Denmark to support granting EU candidate status, as it is one of the critical factors in uniting the Ukrainian people.
Today, the European Commission is expected to issue an opinion on Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova's applications to join the EU.
According to media reports, in its opinion on granting the status of a candidate for EU membership, the European Commission will recommend it to Ukraine and Moldova, making additional demands on the latter, and will refuse Georgia.
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