It was reported by RBC-Ukraine referring to the words of US President Joe Biden in an interview with the Associated Press.
According to Biden, despite the political risks, and the blow to the American economy, the United States had to confront russian aggression on Ukrainian territory.
"But the option of doing nothing was even worse. If he (putin – ed.), in fact, moved into Ukraine, took hold of Ukraine, and Belarus, where it is, and he has been a threat to NATO, all those things would have even been more dire," the president said.
According to the US President, russia's military aggression could threaten chaos in Europe.
"You already saw what they are doing in Belarus. What would happen in the surrounding countries? Watch what would happen in Poland, the Czech Republic, and all the members of NATO. For example, you know, the reason Putin said he was invading was that he did not want them to join NATO. And he wanted the sort of the Finland-ization of NATO. He got the NATO-ization of Finland, instead," Biden said.
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