russia’s intel officcer was about to get an internship at the International Criminal Court to spy

A russian spy tried to get a job as an intern at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, which in particular investigates Russian war crimes in Ukraine.

This was reported by the General Intelligence and Security Service of the Netherlands (AIVD).

"The AIVD has prevented a Russian intelligence officer from gaining access as an intern to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. on this basis, the intelligence officer was denied entry to the Netherlands in April, he has declared no entry. He was sent back to Brazil on the first flight, "the statement said.

The Russian intelligence officer introduced himself as a Brazilian citizen, Viktor Mueller Ferreira (born April 4, 1989), although his real name was Sergei Vladimirovich Cherkasov (born September 11, 1985).

Cherkasov used a well-thought-out cover under which he hid all his ties with Russia in general and with the GRU in particular.

An officer of this kind is better known as an "illegal": a spy who has undergone long and extensive training. It is difficult to detect illegal immigrants because of their fictional identity. Because they pretend to be foreigners, they have access to information that is not available to a Russian citizen, according to Dutch intelligence.

The AIVD considers the threat posed by this intelligence officer to be potentially very high.

"If an intelligence officer could gain access to the ISS as an intern, he could gather intelligence and search for (or recruit) sources, as well as access to ISS digital systems… He may also be able to influence ICC criminal proceedings." – stated in the intelligence of the Netherlands.

A Ukrainian Pravda source in the AIVD said the job was important for Russia in investigating war crimes in Ukraine. The process of obtaining a place in the ISS by a Russian agent took months. It was planned to coincide with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but the Russians failed to do so earlier, which may have been more beneficial to them. According to the source, this is both a great success for the AIVD and a great failure for the GRU, as each such agent is very valuable for Russia.

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