Macron: russia is the aggressor and Zelensky will have to negotiate with russia

French President Emmanuel Macron has stepped up his rhetoric about russia but has called for talks with the Kremlin.

He stated this during a visit to Romania, Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty reports.

According to the publication, Macron has been criticized by Ukraine and its Eastern European allies.

They believe France provides less support to Kyiv in opposing russian troops. In particular, the French President warned against "humiliating Russia."

"We will do everything to stop Russia's war forces, to help the Ukrainians and their army and continue to negotiate," Macron told French, American, British, and other Allied troops at NATO's Kogalniceanu military base near the Romanian Black Sea port of Constanta.

We should note that Macron is scheduled to visit the Moldovan capital, Chisinau, on June 15, for consultations with President Maia Sandu.

"We need to support Ukraine," Macron told a joint news conference with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis on June 15.

"From the first day, France said clearly that russia is the aggressor," Macron said when asked about his repeated statements that russia should not be humiliated.

"But we must be clear-headed: We are not at war with russia. The Ukrainian president and his officials will have to negotiate with russia," he added.

Macron regularly holds telephone talks with the President of the russian federation, Reuters reports. The President of France is inclined to be a mediator between russia and Ukraine and stressed this.

"I am convinced France's role is to be a mediating state," he said.

According to BFMTV, Europeans should also be involved in negotiations with russia.

The French government has stated that a possible visit of French President Emmanuel Macron to Kyiv is one of the "several options" currently being considered. Still, a decision on it has not yet been made.

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