Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg stated this before the ministerial meeting in Brussels, European Pravda reports.
"I expect that at the summit, NATO allies will agree on a comprehensive assistance package for Ukraine, aid to Ukraine in the long run in the transition from Soviet-era equipment to modern NATO equipment, and improve interoperability with NATO," Stoltenberg said.
He also stressed that the allies were steadfast in their support for their European partners' sovereignty and territorial integrity.
"And they support the right of every nation to choose its path, free from outside interference," he said.
Stoltenberg also said that the ministerial meeting on Wednesday would discuss Ukraine's needs for weapons for the war against russia; Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov will attend the meeting.
Skidnyi Variant reported that Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov had already arrived in Brussels for a meeting with Rammstein-3 to discuss the supply of heavy equipment to Ukraine.
As Rubryka reported, the NATO Secretary-General also stated that he supported the provision of heavy weapons to Ukraine by Allied countries and that Ukraine needed more such weapons.
"Yes, there should be more heavy weapons in Ukraine. And NATO allies and partners have long provided heavy weapons, but they are also stepping up their efforts," Stoltenberg said.
Stoltenberg also said at the meeting that NATO should increase its readiness and armaments on the eastern border.
"We discussed the need for a more reliable and capable advanced presence—even higher readiness. And more than pre-deployed equipment.
We also considered the need to invest more in our defense and invest more together to strengthen NATO's joint funding," Stoltenberg said.
According to him, the next NATO Strategic Concept will be agreed upon at the summit in Madrid.
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