Scholz confirms supply of up-to-date weapons to Ukraine

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz reaffirms Berlin's commitment to supply Ukraine with modern weapons

The European Pravda reports, citing DW.

"It is clear that Ukraine needs additional weapons for its defense," Scholz said.

He also added that Germany had supplied Ukraine with weapons since the invasion.

"In this critical phase, we are significantly expanding our support: among other things, we are supplying Ukraine with an up-to-date anti-aircraft system and artillery detection radar," the chancellor said.

Scholz said they would carry the supply of weapons out in coordination with partners from Europe and NATO.

He added it was important for Germany and its allies to defend "every inch of NATO territory" and that Berlin would increase its presence on NATO's eastern flank.

Germany has previously announced plans to supply the Gepard tanks, the Panzerhaubitze 2000 howitzers, the Iris-T anti-aircraft system, and the Mars multiple rocket launcher to the Ukrainian army.

But the government noted that it was difficult to talk about arms delivery schedules to Ukraine for organizational and security reasons.

Despite Scholz's statements about increasing Ukraine's military aid, Ukraine hasn't yet received a single unit of German weapons.

Earlier the media reported that French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi plan to visit Kyiv on June 16. Macron's and Scholz's trip could mean a change in their rhetoric about russia's invasion of Ukraine. Both leaders have been criticized for calling putin, blocking military aid, and more.

In mid-April, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz faced intense pressure from members of his ruling coalition to step up deliveries of heavy weapons such as tanks and fighter jets to help Ukraine fight russian troops.

"After initiating a historic reversal in Germany's previously frugal defense policy in the early stages of the war, Scholz has since appeared hesitant to go beyond initial supplies of protective equipment, munitions, and rockets to take out Russian tanks and aircraft," Bloomberg says.

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