British intelligence: russia may have problems with replenishing weapons because of sanctions and lack of experience

russia plans to increase government spending on military equipment

Rubryka reports, citing the Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom on Twitter.

As noted, however, russia may have problems with replenishment because of sanctions and lack of experience.

According to British intelligence, russian authorities predict that defense spending will increase by 600-700 billion rubles (8.5-10 billion pounds).

This will mean an increase in russia's defense budget by 20%, the British Defense Ministry added.

"russian government funding is allowing the country's defense industrial base to be slowly mobilized to meet demands placed on it by the war in Ukraine.

However, the industry could struggle to meet many of these requirements, partially due to the effects of sanctions and lack of expertise," the report said.

The intelligence officers also briefly mentioned the situation in the combat zone.

Thus, russia's primary goal remains the offensive on Sievierodonetsk. In addition, the western grouping of troops probably made a slight advance in the Kharkiv direction for the first time in weeks.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine notes that in the Kharkiv direction, the invaders are focusing on conducting positional defense and preventing the further advance of Ukraine's Defense Force units to the state border.

As Rubryka previously reported, fighting continues in the Sievierodonetsk area, and in the coming months, river crossing is likely to be one of the most critical determinants of the war.

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