The team of the English-language project started collecting front pages from the first days of the war to immediately track news on it, collect historical headlines and publications that loudly and creatively expressed support for Ukraine, and see narratives covering Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
For the 100 days of the war, more than 3,761 front pages of 151 media from 39 countries in 20 languages have already been collected and published on the website.
Here you can find a selection of front pages in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and other languages by selecting the appropriate country, media, and date.
Such a library allows not only to collect information for history but also to keep track of some information materials that appear in the print media and are present on the streets of cities in Europe and the world. The library was created thanks to the team in partnership with Looqme. — an English-language repository of truth about Ukraine, which includes facts about the Russian-Ukrainian war, support of the world community today, culture, history, people's life stories, economics, and other topics. The project was launched on March 3, 2022, in response to the need to increase English-language information and spread the truth about events in Ukraine. All materials are based on proven sources. To tell the world more about Ukraine and call for support, the project team is preparing its own materials, which are actively used by the international community. The author is One Philosophy consulting group and IT-company Empat supported by volunteers.
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