Тhe Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine said this on Facebook.
Blink also met with Minister of Infrastructure Oleksandr Kubrakov.
The minister thanked the United States for supporting Ukraine in the military, financial and humanitarian spheres, as well as for increasing sanctions on Russia.
"Our focus is on the reorientation of logistics chains and the development of infrastructure projects that will help restore transport links, speed up the delivery of essential goods and assistance from partner countries. This is one of the important steps for the recovery of the Ukrainian economy," Kubrakov said.
Brink, together with representatives of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, got acquainted with the reconstruction of the bridge in Stoyanka. The bridge was destroyed at the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Brink said on June 10 that the United States, through direct budget support, would help ensure Ukraine's stability and recovery.
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