The Mariupol City Council reported on Telegram.
"They demolish houses indiscriminately; the bodies of the killed Mariupol residents are removed together with concrete. Then the russian occupiers take them out like garbage to Mariupol solid waste landfills," the statement said.
The bodies with the debris are at the Livoberzhnyi city district landfill and the Prymorskyi district's landfill, decommissioned in 2008.
According to Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boichenko, the occupiers initially involved Mariupol residents in dismantling the debris. Still, when they saw the actual number of bodies they found, they immediately removed the local population, and the emergency service of the so-called DPR began dismantling.
"Now they don't even try to get the bodies out. They demolish houses and remove the rubble with the killed Mariupol residents because the number of bodies under the ruined houses is frightening. Almost 50 to 100 were killed under almost every destroyed house, and russians ruined 1300 multiple-story buildings. Therefore, the real numbers of those killed in the city, unfortunately, may be much higher than we reported," Boichenko said.
Earlier, the Mariupol mayor's adviser stated that the russians were destroying evidence without spending any time searching for the dead in the wrecked houses.
"It is impossible to obtain information on newly discovered bodies because everything is being taken to the Livoberzhnyi district landfill after demolition. If there are any corpses left in the buildings, they are dumped together with other rubbish at the landfill. Their inhumane treatment, even of the dead, has reached unheard-of proportions."
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