The EU provided Ukraine with additional 205 million euros in humanitarian aid

The European Union has provided Ukraine with additional 205 million euros in humanitarian assistance

European Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič announced this during his ongoing visit to Kyiv.

He met with Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk, Suspilne correspondent reports.

As mentioned, the money will be used to create temporary towns for people who lost their homes during the war and for humanitarian aid for people in the occupied territories.

"There are two priority issues: preparing for winter because so many homes have been destroyed, and the humanitarian situation in the occupied territories. It continues to deteriorate. We are trying to find a solution to how the money can reach the temporarily occupied regions," Lenarchic said.

The EU Commissioner emphasized that this was the most substantial civil protection operation ever conducted by the EU.

"As part of the civil protection program, Ukraine has received more than 400,000 tons of emergency aid. It is provided by 27 EU member states, as well as Norway, Turkey, and Northern Macedonia," he said.

The total funding of humanitarian aid and the amount of non-financial support provided by the EU to Ukraine exceeds 700 million euros. Of these, 13 million are directed to projects in neighboring Moldova.


According to the United Nations, about 15.7 million people need humanitarian assistance.

The war has already forced more than 14 million people to flee their homes; almost 7 million people crossed the borders of neighboring countries.

About 13 million people are in the country's affected areas due to reluctance or inability to leave because of hostilities.

Ukraine received the second tranche of macro-financial assistance from the European Union in the amount of 600 million euros On May 20. It was announced by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.

At a meeting of the European Council on May 30, European Union leaders agreed to provide $ 9 billion in post-war reconstruction assistance to Ukraine.

In addition, in March, the European Union allocated the first tranche of € 500 million to help refugees from Ukraine and donated € 45 million to humanitarian aid.

On May 24, the Council of the European Union approved the fourth tranche of € 500 million in security assistance to Ukraine through the European Peace Facility (EPF).

The EU's total security assistance since the start of russia's full-scale invasion is two billion euros.


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