Photo: OPU
She wrote about this on Twitter, Rubryka reports.
"I visited Bucha today. Residents have been through hell.
I visited a mass grave. Talked with parents and children. Kids talked of sirens and shootings.
Discussed renewal with the mayor. And justice with the prosecutors. Proud the UK's humanitarian assistance is helping," the ambassador said in a statement.
Two days ago, US Ambassador Bridget Brink visited Irpin and Bucha, liberated from the russian occupation. Before that, Brink visited the airport in Hostomel and Borodianka.
Bucha was also recently visited by French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna and Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin.
The Bucha massacre was the killing and abuse of Ukrainian civilians by the russian armed forces during the fight for and occupation of the Ukrainian city of Bucha in the Kyiv region amid the russia's invasion of Ukraine. Photographic and video evidence of the massacre emerged on 1 April 2022 after russian forces withdrew from the city.
The mayor and other local authorities say the police and volunteers recovered approximately 1,000 bodies, including 31 children. Photos showed corpses of civilians, lined up with their hands bound behind their backs, shot at point-blank range, which ostensibly gave proof that summary executions had taken place. Radio Free Europe's inquiry reported using a basement beneath a campground as a torture chamber. The investigators found many bodies mutilated and burnt, and girls as young as fourteen reported being raped by russian soldiers. Ukraine has asked the International Criminal Court to investigate what happened in Bucha as part of its ongoing investigation of the invasion.
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