Ukraine’s presidential administration meets with South Korean parliamentary delegation

The Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Andrii Yermak, met with the Parliamentary Delegation of the Republic of Korea led by the Chairman of the ruling party, People's Power, Lee Jun-Seok

Rubryka reports, referring to the presidential press service.

At the beginning of the event, Andrii Yermak stressed the importance of the Korean delegation's visit to Ukraine at this crucial time for our country and thanked for Korea's consistent support for Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

The head of the President's Office noted that today our country's main task was to win this unprovoked war started by russia.

Andrii Yermak said Ukraine's goal was to achieve peace as soon as possible because the longer the war lasts, the greater the risks for the whole world. At the same time, he stressed that our country especially needed military assistance to win.

"We are confident that it will be our victory and the victory of our friends and partners," said the head of the President's Office.

During the meeting, the President's Office emphasized the importance of the high-level Korean delegation personally acquainting with the situation in Ukraine.

The Korean delegation also visited Bucha and Irpin, where they had the opportunity to see the consequences of horrific war crimes committed by russian invaders.

This visit and its results will also help identify critical areas for further deepening cooperation between the two countries. In particular, during the reconstruction of Ukraine's regions, which suffered significant damage from the war.

In this context, Andrii Yermak announced President Volodymyr Zelensky's initiative to invite democracies to take over the patronage of a region or city in Ukraine that needs to be restored and invited the Korean side to join this ambitious project.

The Head of the President's Office and the delegation of the Republic of Korea also discussed some promising areas of post-war cooperation, particularly in the innovative automotive industry.

Andrii Yermak suggested discussing these and other potentially interesting joint projects during a video conference with members of the government and business representatives of the two countries.

Separately, Andrii Yermak touched upon the issue of work carried out by the Ukrainian side and partners in developing a multilateral agreement on security guarantees for Ukraine.

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