The Ukrainian Armed Forces' Territorial Defense reports.
The statement says a Ukrainian serviceman with a call sign "Hora," with partners, bought all-terrain vehicles anonymously.
Before the war, the man was a businessman, the Territorial Defense Forces say.
"My help to the Ukrainian army is anonymous so that no one knows my name or sees my face. I do my job; it's what I have to do in such times.
I know and understand all the needs. I will be where my help is needed the most. After the victory, I will definitely reveal myself," Hora said.
The statement says before the war, he was a successful businessman, and the serviceman has regularly helped the army.
This time, he and his partners handed over 2009 Pinzgauer multi-purpose military ATVs to the army's needs.
"Yesterday they were in the UK, and today they're at the front. Two ATVs are already serving in the combat brigades of the Ukrainian army's territorial defense; the remaining six were sent to other types of troops," the statement said.
Such "jeeps" can work as tractors, medical vehicles, deep reconnaissance, support, or communication vehicles.
"One vehicle means dozens or even hundreds of lives saved. Thank you for this powerful support!" the territorial defense added.
Pinzgauer is a multi-purpose universal vehicle manufactured by BAE Systems Land Systems (Graz, Austria).
The soldiers can use them both for the transportation of personnel and medical purposes or the transportation of ammunition.
The all-terrain vehicle is equipped with additional modular armor. It protects against small arms fire, artillery shells, and explosions.
Three types of foreign-made 155-mm artillery are already working successfully on the front line: the M777 howitzer, the FH70 howitzer, and the CAESAR self-propelled artillery unit.
The Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Oleksii Reznikov, noted that it resulted from extensive teamwork on arms supplies.
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