"To get drinking water, now you have to register in a line. The line is two days at least. That is, now drinking water is available every two days at best. The main reason is falling water levels in natural sources of water intake," Petro Andriushchenko, adviser to Mariupol mayor, posted on Telegram.
A further decline in water supplies due to the summer heat is expected, he noted.
According to Andriushchenko, invaders have also reduced the distribution of humanitarian aid in Mariupol. Now it is given exclusively to seniors. "All the rest must work. The 'food for work' practice has been restored," he noted.
The adviser to the mayor added that young people were forced to help mobile patrols, including to conduct filtration activities. For refusal, they are threatened with mobilization to the "DPR" army.
"Mariupol is being purposefully and systematically transformed into a ghetto for Ukrainians," Andriushchenko added.
Mariupol experiences one of the biggest humanitarian disasters caused by Russia's aggression. The city has been virtually destroyed by Russian attacks.
Now Mariupol has no normal power, water, and gas supply. Up to 22,000 civilians have been killed since the Russian invasion began. Today, almost 150,000 people stay in the blocked city.
Mariupol is now on the verge of environmental and infectious disasters.
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