Photo: OPU
The relevant statement was made by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in his video address to the participants of the 90th annual meeting of the United States Conference of Mayors.
"The world has seen various tyrannies. At different times. Under different flags. And all of them are united by the fact that they despise the rights and freedoms of ordinary people. Tyrants do not recognize the rights and freedoms of local government. And it is usually the free people in the cities which still choose freedom that put an end to the history of tyrants. And to put an end to this, tyrants must not be allowed to enjoy ties to the free world. Any ties," Zelensky told.
In his words, dozens of American cities maintain the so-called 'brotherhood' with the cities of the Russian Federation, namely Chicago and Moscow, Jacksonville and Murmansk, San Diego and Vladivostok, Albany and Tula.
"What do these connections give you? Probably nothing. But they give Russia the opportunity to say that it is not isolated, even after beginning such a war," the President of Ukraine noted.
In this context, Zelensky told the audience about what the Russian army does to the peaceful cities of Ukraine. In his words, some of the most deadly Russian missiles are designed and manufactured in Yekaterinburg. which is still a sister city of San Jose.
Meanwhile, one of the Russian brigades that committed atrocities against Ukrainian civilians in Bucha is from Russia's Khabarovsk Krai, and the city of Khabarovsk is still a sister city of Portland. According to Zelensky, in order to restore normal life in Bucha and in the Bucha community, almost 2,000 buildings need to be rebuilt. These are ordinary houses, ordinary schools, sports facilities, medical institutions.
"Therefore, call for even more pressure on Russia. Don't help it justify itself. Don't maintain ties with it. And please do not allow those who have become murderers to call you their brothers and sisters," the President of Ukraine stressed.
Zelensky also invited US mayors to take part in Ukraine's reconstruction and help Ukraine rebuild the cities and communities liberated from Russian invaders.
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