
Commander Zaluzhnyi: Norway’s self-propelled howitzers are already at front line

Self-propelled howitzers M109A3, provided as part of international technical assistance by Norway, are already at the forefront, hitting targets with high precision and destroying the enemy.

This was stated by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valeriy Zaluzhnyi on Telegram.

"As my gunners point out, the key difference between these guns and Soviet-style ones is that they are made for humans. Instead of levers, they have a steering wheel, and they have automatic gear instead of mechanical one. In winter, when icing of the hull is possible, the developers slightly rubberized it to prevent the crew from slipping. Soldiers enjoyed even such simple elements as baskets for personal belongings welded around the turret," Zaluzhnyi noted.

He said that the M109A3 howitzers have a larger caliber and more powerful ammunition than their Soviet counterparts. Their hitting range is up to 22 km. But later on, it will be possible to use active-jet projectiles to further increase that range. Experienced gunners also note the convenience of charges that are airtight and completely identical, which positively influences precision.

"My people easily mastered the M109A3 within a week. I am sincerely grateful to the Norwegian people for their effective help! I count on the further support of the partner nations in the means of fire destruction of the enemy, whose superiority in artillery and MLR systems is the main cause of our losses," said the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

"Without the immediate supply of long-range artillery and MLR systems, it is becoming increasingly difficult for us to hold the aggressor back, Zaluzhnyi stressed.

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