
Ukraine continues dialogue with US on obtaining long-range weapons – Markarova

The Ukrainian side continues to persuade American partners of the need to provide the Armed Forces with long-range multiple launch rocket systems – not to shell Russian cities, but to save the lives of its military.

This was stated by Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States Oksana Markarova, who spoke with journalists in Washington, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"Ukraine has always been very clear in its intentions: we have never attacked Russia, we were not going to attack them, and we have no intentions to attack them now. No matter how disgusted we are at the crimes that the Russians are committing on the territory of Ukraine, no matter how much they kill, torture, and rape our people and children, we're not the same as them," the ambassador said, commenting on the Ukrainian side's position on the use of weapons provided by Western powers.

She stressed that Ukraine is not going to attack peaceful Russians. However, according to the diplomat, Ukraine does need long-range weapons "in order to expel this scum from our territory as soon as possible."

In this regard, the ambassador stressed that Ukraine requires long-range volley fire systems, and the efforts to obtain them will continue.

"We need longer range – not because we are going to open fire at Russia but because we want our military to be as far away from those orcs as possible, and because we want to save every (Ukrainian) life," the ambassador said. .

She stressed that, unlike the Russians, the Ukrainians are fighting for each of our soldiers. "That's why we need such long-range weapons, and we explain this to our partners here," the diplomat said.

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