russians shell Mykolaiv’s residential buildings resulting in deaths

On June 1, russian troops destroyed 23 civil infrastructure objects in the southern city of Mykolaiv and the region

Rubryka reports, citing the Mykolaiv Police's statement on Facebook.

According to law enforcement officers, Mykolaiv and five settlements—Ochakiv, Shevchenkove, Lupareve, Lepetykha, and Halytsynove—were hit by enemy forces.

Police say there are dead and injured. Six shelling buildings, 12 private homes, four private businesses, and other infrastructure were damaged in the shelling.

Law enforcement officers are documenting the consequences of another enemy shelling. Investigations into criminal proceedings under Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Violation of laws and customs of war."

On June 1, because of the attack of the russian invaders on Mykolaiv, two civilians died, and two more were wounded.

As reported by Rubryka, on the same day, explosions were heard in the Stryi district of the Lviv region. The russians launched a missile strike on the transport infrastructure.

Five civilians are currently injured.

Also, the russians fired 3 missiles from a jet on the territory of the Krasnopol community, Sumy region, on the night of June 2.

Since the beginning of russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the aggressor country has purposely targeted civilian objects—residential buildings, private houses, schools, hospitals, humanitarian aid hubs, and industrial organizations—and killed Ukrainian people leading to the tragedies of Bucha, Irpin, Mariupol, etc.

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