Mariupol residents still don’t have access to food and water, humanitarian corridors are necessary, mayor says

More than 100,000 people remain in Mariupol; they haven't had access to drinking water and food since April

Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boichenko announced it on the air of the national telethon #UAtogether on June 1, UP reports.

According to the mayor, the invaders give them drinking water for working to dismantle the rubble from the shelling.

"The situation was and remains very difficult. In the city, the occupying forces and collaborators, who have declared themselves in power, hold more than 100,000 people hostage.

Before that, they killed people with Grad MRLS and artillery, killing more than 22 thousand people… Now we see that they are preparing to continue to kill Mariupol by their inaction.

They tried to do something about drinking water supply, but they failed," Boichenko said.

The mayor added that the number of burials in the captured city increased; there are also spontaneous burials.

The mayor stressed that rising temperatures and downpours pose a threat of infectious diseases.

"They (the Russian occupiers – ed.) involved the 'Ministry of Emergencies of the DPR' to deliver water, but yesterday the people of Mariupol told us that they continue to be mocked.

They do not give out the brought drinking water but want the people of Mariupol to go and dismantle the rubble, collect (bodies – ed.) and help them bury the dead, hide these war crimes… Mariupol people work for water…

They (the occupiers – ed.) show in their propaganda videos how they tried to hand out food in April, but it's not happening today.

Since April, Mariupol residents have not had access to food, and, as we see, there is no drinking water.

Today, these scum are holding hostage more than 100,000 people. Mariupol residents cannot cross to the controlled part of our state.

Therefore, we need to unite around this problem, join international partners, the United Nations, and the Red Cross, and create sustainable 'green corridors' so that our Ukrainians have an opportunity to go to the controlled territory of our state," Boichenko emphasized.

The mayor also added that 70, 100, and 200 people are being taken out from under the rubble of buildings.

That's thousands of people killed. The corpse smell creates a stench. The city also has no sewerage system and no garbage collection system.

However, recently only the occupiers have dismantled blockages (the so-called "Ministry of Emergencies of the DPR"); the local population has been excluded from the process. Boichenko suggests that residents shouldn't pass information to the legitimate authorities of Mariupol.

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