Ukrainian President’s Office says 6th sanctions package adopted against russia is still not enough

The Office of the President of Ukraine stated that the latest sanctions of the European Union against russia were insufficient, and the pace of sanctions had so far been too slow

Deputy Head of the Office of the President Ihor Zhovkva said in Madrid.

"If you ask me, I would say it was too slow, too late, and not enough," Zhovkva said.

The Deputy Head of the President's Office also stressed that Ukraine was not satisfied with the pace of arms supplies from the West.

"We are not satisfied," Zhovkva said after his speech.

"If we were satisfied, we would immediately begin the liberation of Mariupol and expel russian forces from Donbas. We believe in the promises," he said.

As reported by Rubryka, the EU overcame the resistance of several skeptical states and made a political decision to impose an oil embargo on russia.

According to the agreement, the EU will ban the import of russian oil, which is delivered by the sea; it is 75% of russian exports.

An exception is made for pipeline oil. But Germany and Poland have pledged to suspend supplies by the end of the year, covering an oil embargo on 90 percent of russia's exports to Europe.

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