Coach of Ukraine’s men’s soccer team: many fans become soldiers, great responsibility ahead of team

Oleksandr Petrakov, head coach of Ukraine's men's football national team, was ready to defend Ukraine with weapons, rather than coaching the team.

Rubryka reports referring to TIME magazine.

Picture: Ciril Jazbec for TIME

He said that there is no anger, only hate, answering a question about his attitude towards russian aggression.

When the full-scale war started, Petrakov marched straight to enlist with Ukraine's Territorial Defense Force, intent on fending off the invaders, but was turned away. "It would be wrong if I ran from my city where I was born," he says, shrugging. "But they said, 'You are too old and don't have any military skills. Instead, you better bring us to the World Cup.'"

Ukraine's national team is preparing for two games that are left to qualify for the World Cup.

In order to participate,  Ukraine needs to win over Scotland in a playoff game on June 1 and  Wales four days later.

Nearly all Ukraine players left their families at home to get a training camp abroad, but many of them realized that they would help the war effort on the pitch. 

At the same time, Petrakov says he has spoken twice with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

"He's a very positive man, very pleasant, and a big football fan," says Petrakov.

"I voted for him. And thank God those 73% of Ukrainians who voted for him in elections were right, the Ukrainian top head coach claimed.

According to Petrakov, hate, rather than fear or anger, is a more potent weapon. It clearly motivates him too—he speaks with fiery eyes about Russian soldiers killing children and raping women in Ukraine. "They hate us and think we are an inferior nation," he says.


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