Satellite images show russian invaders shipping Ukrainian grain from occupied territories

Satellite images show russian ships loading Ukrainian grain in occupied Crimea

CNN reports, referring to Maxar Technologies satellite images.

According to the publication, russians most likely took the grain out of the occupied Kherson region and other temporarily uncontrolled territories.

CNN says the photos show two bulk carrier ships under the russian flag, the Matros Pozynich, and the Matros Koshka, who moored in Sevastopol in the russian-occupied Crimea near the granary.

In the images dated May 19 and 21, the grain is pouring off a belt into an open hold of russian bulkers.

Grain is being loaded into the russian Matros Pozynich ship in the occupied Crimea, on May 19

On May 21, the russian ship Matros Koshka was seen in the port of Sevastopol

According to the vessel-tracking site, both vessels left the port.

The Matros Pozynich, previously caught trying to "export" stolen Ukrainian grain, is heading to Beirut.

The Matros Koshka is still near the port of Kavkaz. russian bulk carriers have a capacity of 30,000 tons of grain.


Note: Crimea doesn't have such volumes of grain, and the only source can be Ukraine's territories temporarily occupied after February 24.

At the beginning of May, russians loaded 27 thousand tons of grain on the Matros Pozynich ship with the turned-off geolocation in occupied Crimea. The place of arrival was Egypt.

Thanks to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, the ship couldn't reach the port of Alexandria.

The Egyptian government refused to take stolen Ukrainian grain.

Farmers from the temporarily occupied regions report cases where the occupiers steal their property and supplies or force them to sell their crops for nothing.

russian invaders have already shipped several hundred thousand tons of grain from the temporarily occupied territories in Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia regions.

There are about 1.5 million tons of grain in the farm stocks formed for sowing and processing (for making flour and baking bread) in these areas.

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