On Tuesday, he made this statement at a Quad group's meeting in Tokyo. Rubryka reports, citing Reuters.
"This is more than just a European issue. It's a global issue," Biden said.
The President of the United States stated that Washington, together with its close domestic partners, will insist on creating a free and open Indo-Pacific region.
Biden said that "russia's assault of Ukraine only heightens the importance of those goals of fundamental principles of international order, territorial integrity and sovereignty."
The US President met with the so-called "Quad" – Japan, Australia, and India – in Tokyo as part of the final day of his first trip to Asia since taking office.
As reported by Rubryka, US President Joe Biden will hold a face-to-face meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to persuade him to join the West's sanctions pressure on russia.
As reported by Rubryka, Biden asked Congress in late April to allocate an additional $33 billion to help Ukraine.
However, lawmakers have increased the president's previous request.
Today, the aid package is nearly $40 billion. In particular, it includes more than $18.7 billion in military and security aid.
The document also provides nearly $8.8 billion for Ukraine's economic support fund
In addition, $5 billion will be spent solving the world's food shortages caused by the war.
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