The Security Service of Ukraine has published a number of the "hotline" – 2402 – for the occupiers who are looking for a way to escape from the war.
This was reported by Rubryka, citing the SBU press center.
The agency noted that analyzing the intercepted new phone conversations of the invaders, mobilized with ORDLO compare service in the russian army with slavery, call it a violation of human rights and are ready to desert.
"At least somewhere to go, well, I do not know, on human rights, after all. Oh, my, what am I, in captivity or in slavery? I do not understand this," resents a mobilized resident of the so-called "DNR" "to his wife.
He asks her to look for someone to turn to for help because he is completely confused.
"You will not complain to russia, because russia forced it, you will not complain to Petushilin (comment Pushilin), because he gave us or sold us to russia, Ukraine – I will be a traitor…", added the mobilized resident of the so-called "DNR".
"Well, here's a tip for invaders who want to stay alive: call 2402 and surrender.
This hotline is specifically designed for such cases. They will help you. It works for both Russian and Ukrainian numbers, "the SBU said.
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