Scholz doesn’t want to supply Ukraine with heavy weapons and drags time, Ukraine’s Ambassador to Germany says

Ukrainian Ambassador to Berlin Andrii Melnyk criticized Olaf Scholz's government for refusing to supply heavy weapons despite the Bundestag's decision.

He said this in an interview with NRD.

"It appears that a ceasefire is expected. Then the pressure on Germany will disappear and there will be no need for bold decisions. This is an insidious logic that leaves people in trouble," Melnyk said.

Germany's parliament allowed the supply of heavy weapons three weeks ago, but the government has made no decisions since.

"We have the impression that the Chancellor doesn't want supplies. There are only seven self-propelled howitzers, but we don't have Gepard or Leopard 1, or Marder tanks. All of them have already been decommissioned by the Bundeswehr and can be transferred to us by industry without violating the Federal Republic's ability to protect itself. The exchange of T-72 tanks with Slovenia hasn't worked yet, as Germany hasn't offered Slovenia an adequate replacement. And so we continue to go in circles," said the ambassador.

Melnyk also believes that Scholz refuses to go to Ukraine precisely because of his unwillingness to provide heavy weapons.

"I believe so. This is probably one of the real reasons why the chancellor is not going on this trip. Because he doesn't seem ready to finally implement the historic decision to provide heavy weapons, although there's a decision of the German parliament," he said.

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