russian war criminal trial: when court will reach verdict

On Monday, May 23, the court is due to announce the verdict against russian military man Vadim Shishimarin, accused of killing a civilian in the Sumy region.

This was reported by UP.

"I want to say again that I'm sorry. I sincerely regret it. At that moment, I was nervous when it all happened. And I didn't want to kill him. It happened, and I don't deny it."

I would like to apologize again. I do not deny what I have done, and I am ready to take all the measures (punishments – ed.) that will be given to me," he said.

Shishimarin's lawyer asked to acquit the russian. He asserted that the military didn't want to kill the man, but only obeyed the order.

Proving this, the defense counsel mentioned that Shishimarin shot not after the first instruction of the senior, but after the third, when the military began to put pressure on him.

Also, among the 3-4 shots fired by the russian, only one bullet hit the victim.

This, according to the defense, shows that Shishimarin did not fire and did not expect to hit.

At the same time, the military admits his guilt in full.

Prosecutors insist that the person who ordered him to shoot was not Shishimarin's immediate commander, so the latter was not obliged to comply with the order. In addition, such an order was clearly criminal.

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