The head of the Polish government, Mateusz Morawiecki, stated this, at a press conference with the Prime Minister of Portugal Antonio Costa, Ukrinform reports.
"We also need to strengthen Ukraine in the military, economic and humanitarian aspects. By helping Ukraine, we are realizing our common dream of a united continent, from Lisbon to Kyiv," Morawiecki said.
He noted that the issue of Ukraine's integration into the EU was discussed at the meeting.
"If some EU countries protest sharply, Portugal and I want to prepare a package that will be attractive to Ukraine and will show that Ukraine's place is in the EU," the Polish prime minister added.
According to him, the destroyed Mariupol is "a symbol of Ukrainian and European heroism, the struggle for freedom and independence, for peace and security."
"We need to keep this in mind, as Ukraine needs to be given hope of rebuilding after the war, which must end as soon as possible. Together with Antonio, we will give this hope to Ukraine. We will try to make Ukraine's path to the EU unique, clear, and full of concreteness," Morawiecki stressed.
In his opinion, russia planned to undermine confidence in Ukraine.
"It simply came to our notice then. We know that Ukraine is on the side of freedom, and 'russian peace,' russian propaganda and fake news are the way to nowhere. putin wanted to isolate Ukraine, but we will isolate russia from the rest of Europe in economic terms," he said.
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