Evacuation from Mariupol isn’t over: Ukrainians call for returning 4-year-old girl’s mother from russian captivity

Thousands of Ukrainians call on international organizations to rescue military medic Viktoria Obidina, who was taken prisoner by the occupiers

The petition on the Change.org platform continues to collect signatures. There are already almost 40,000 of them.

It was Viktoria Obidin who was separated from her 4-year-old daughter Alisa by the aggressors during the evacuation from Azovstal.

The petition authors appeal to the United Nations and the Red Cross to do everything possible to return the woman to the territory controlled by Ukraine.

To recap, the United Nations and the Red Cross have claimed responsibility for the evacuation of all civilians from the Azovstal plant.

As long as Alisae's mother, Viltoria, and all other civilians from Mariupol remain in a filtration camp in the occupied territories, as long as many Azovstal prisoners of war remain in the filtration camp, the evacuation is not complete, the petition said.

The signatories of this appeal include activists, celebrities, politicians, representatives of non-governmental organizations, and ordinary citizens.

All of them call on the UN to restore the right of children to parental care, which is provided by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

"If the United Nations and the Red Cross do not complete the evacuation, the undersigned activists will call on the world community to disband the organization," the petition said.


As Rubryka reported, the girl was separated from her mother during the evacuation. This was reported by the defenders of Mariupol. They asked the world community to intervene and return the child to its mother.

Later, the ombudswoman Denisova noted that the girl was temporarily sheltered by an employee of the Zaporizhzhia military administration.

She also added that Alisa's relatives had already been searched and soon the baby would be transferred to the care of her relatives who are in a safer region of Ukraine.

All that is known about the fate of Alisae's mother is that the occupiers sent her to a filtration camp. There is no information yet on where the woman is now.

Alise is the girl who sent a poignant message from the Azovstal bomb shelter a few weeks ago. The toddler asked to be evacuated from the city destroyed by the russians.

Alisa is fortunately safe now. A family from Zaporizhzhia temporarily sheltered the girl.

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