The mayor of Lviv Andrii Sadovyi reported about it on Telegram.
According to the leader, no missile landed in Lviv.
"Air defense forces worked well. Therefore, we do not know whether our city was the target this time," said the mayor.
According to Sadovyi, in one of the villages of the Yavoriv district, the wreckage of the missile partially damaged the railway infrastructure.
"Windows broke in the surrounding houses. And it's all in the 20-kilometer zone to the border with the European Union.
This was indeed one of the largest attacks on the Lviv region in terms of the number of missiles.
It is difficult to predict what will happen next. So go to the cover!" the mayor emphasized.
Sadovyi urged residents not to film missile flights or air defense operations.
"Such videos are needed by Moscow's agents. Don't be like the russians, please," he stressed.
As Rubryka reported, at dawn, russian troops fired rockets at the town of Okhtyrka in the Sumy region, injuring at least five people.
As Rubryka previously reported, on the morning of May 17, a missile strike was fired on the village of Desna in the Chernihiv region, killing and wounding people.
As Rubryka reported, russian invaders again struck at a military infrastructure facility in the Yavoriv district in the Lviv region.
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