russian occupiers launch a missile strike on Okhtyrka, Sumy region: details

At dawn, russian troops fired missiles at the town of Okhtyrka in the Sumy region, injuring at least five people

Rubryka reports, referring to the Telegram of the head of Sumy regional military administration, Dmytro Zhyvytskyi.

According to the head of the region, on May 17 at about 5 am, there was an enemy missile strike on Okhtyrka.

"Five russian missiles flew over civilian targets and caused a lot of damage.

Warehouses caught fire. The shock wave damaged the front door of the two-story building, and people were trapped inside. Many private houses were affected.

Strikes, in general, fell on the central part of the city and the Dachnyi residential area. The windows in the temple were broken.

Kazka Kindergarten also suffered. This is the same one that was bombed by ruscists in the first days of the war, then people died here," Zhyvytskyi said.

According to the head of the region, at least five people were injured in the morning attack on the city.

The day before, the Sumy region came under fire from russia, a russian sabotage and reconnaissance group tried to break through the border but was repulsed.

As reported by Rubryka, on the morning of May 17, a missile attack was carried out on the village of Desna in the Chernihiv region, as a result of which there are dead and wounded.

As Rubryka reported, russian invaders again struck at a military infrastructure facility in the Yavoriv district in the Lviv region.

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