Volunteers of the humanitarian headquarters at the Lviv Custom service opened a photo exhibition at the Krakovets-Korchova checkpoint, which shows photos from the destroyed cities of Ukraine.
"Volunteers created this photo exhibition for two purposes.
First of all, to support the idea of informing the world about the true courage of Ukrainians, which is dedicated to the project "Bravery".
And also to remind the world of the true face of Russian aggression in Ukraine.
First of all, to the diplomats who are frequent guests at Lviv Customs and on whom Ukraine's support in the world depends to a large extent today, "said Daniil Menshikov, Acting Head of Lviv Custom service.
According to customs, the photo exhibition was set up at the Krakovets-Korchova checkpoint near the lane for official delegations and diplomats.
The exhibition consists of posters of the government campaign "Brave to be Ukraine" and a series of photos from the destroyed cities of Ukraine.
The stands also have a QR code to raise funds to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine through a special account of the National Bank, customs officials added.
The initiators of the project are volunteers of the humanitarian headquarters "HelpUALviv", the partners were the Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Service on Extraordinary situations, and Mariupol City Council.
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